Course and Project Take-Aways

The semester has really flown by, I cannot believe it is already the last week of class! I have learned a lot throughout this course and met so many great people. Mainly, I learned how to present information in many different ways, as well as why each may be more effective for different types of... Continue Reading →


Depression Dog 2. 2meIRL4meIRL 3. Anxiety Cat How does each meme relate to your topic and target audience? Or how does this meme relate to a topic we've covered during the semester? The first meme is one of the earliest memes on the internet (as well as #3); it features a dog with a saddened... Continue Reading →

New podcast: RUPA’s Community Service Committee  Photo Credit: "Woman Sitting on a Gray Chair" by mentatdgt, Licensed under a Pexels CC License. Hello everyone! I have made a podcast on my brand new SoundCloud podcast about RUPA (Rutgers University's Programming Association) and mental health. I worked with my group in class to discuss the different committees involved in RUPA. Because... Continue Reading →

Header Image

Header image sources: antique-blackboard-blank-chalk by Pixabay from Pexels (CC0) and adolescent-adult-book by 周 康 from Pexels (Pexels License). The header images I have chosen are of a chalkboard (in the background) and a girl reading a book. My website’s audience is likely going to be mainly college students which is why I chose the image of... Continue Reading →

Welcome to CSMHA!

"Alphabets-Background" by is licensed under Pexels License. Hello, and welcome to College Student Mental Health Awareness! CSMHA is a blog I have created with the intention of starting a conversation about college students and mental health. As students, life can get pretty hectic; whether our course load is intensive, we are trying to balance... Continue Reading →

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